Share your world with your friends through FREE voice, picture and video chat from your phone. Download ringtones, games, wallpapers and videos after you preview them. Or create your own and upload them into the gallery. Participate in contests & polls and win big prizes!
What can RockeTalk do for you?
-Meet New People: Meet exciting new people right on your mobile phone.
-Instant voice and picture chat: share your world with your new and existing friends using voice, and picture chat
-Free galleries and mobile downloads: Step in to our free galleries and view amazing content posted by other users, or post your own creations. Download loads of cool stuff for your phone...ringtones, videos, wallpapers and more!
-Vibrant communities Join one of the vibrant communities buzzing with voices, pictures and more. Or start your own community
-Instant messengers: Connect to your instant messengers like Yahoo!, MSN & Google Talk! No need to stay attached to the desktop to stay connected with your friends!