In Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, Shaayaree, or poetry, essentially comprises of couplet, or Sher. The plural for Sher is Ashaar. The form ghazal is a collection of mulitiple ashaar – each of which should convey a complete thought without any reference to other shayari of the same ghazal. In fact, though belonging to the same ghazal, the different ashaar therein can have completely different meaning and tone relative to one another. Essential Shaayree vocabulary: Ashar (Couplet). It consists of two lines (MISRA); first line is called ‘MISRA-E-OOLA’ and the second is called ‘MISRA-E-SANI’. Each verse embodies a single thought or subject (sing) SHER, Shero, Shayari, Shyari, Shayri.