
About Us

Mrpopat was founded in OCT 2008.
MrPoPat offers

SMS communication totally cost free to mobile users,

at the same time, enables advertisers to reach out to millions of mobile users through the revolutionary concept of 'Mobitisement' (advertisement on mobile phone).
This pioneering effort has already captured the imagination of millions of mobile users across the globe. More than four lakh users visit Mrpopat every day, and they are just not from India alone, but come from as many as 126 countries globally! Mobile users can register at absolutely no cost with MrPoPat, and start sending out text messages to their near and dear ones across the country. Receivers of the messages need not be registered Mrpopat users.
Each text message that is sent out has an advertisement appended to it, thus making it the revolutionary 'Mobitisement'.Mrpopat generates revenue through Mobitisements.
The MrPoPat website is operated by:

Mr Popat Media Services (P) Ltd.
Shop No.4, CSC, AD Market
Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi,INDIA.

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