

Urdu is the most poetic of languages, if one is allowed to be biased. It is spoken by more than 28 million heads in India. It is written in the Perso-Arabic script. The word Urdu (court or camp) stems from the Persianized Turkish word (Ordu) which meant ‘the camp of a Turkish army’. North Indian Muslims with their own dialects moved to South and Central India and settled among the Marathas, Kannadigas and Telugus. These dialects formed the basis of a literary speech known as Dakhni or the ‘Southern Speech’, and was spoken in the Deccan. Later, north Indian Muslims, who came with Aurangzeb for his conquests down south and some Dakhni writers, saw the possibility of evolving a new language. This language would be based on the literary traditions of Dakhni and have the Persian script alongwith generous usage of Perso-Arabic words, idioms and theme ideas.


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